Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Welcome to Geekarama - Coding and all around Tech blog!

Being a technogeek is not all bad. We make $$$, keep up on cool technology, and usually end up ahead (look at Bill Gates). This blog will be used by our community to help us through our day to day headaches. Have you ever needed to do something in code and had to look all over the web or through tech books? With the introduction of Geekarama, we hope to change all that. We will cover a number of topics related to technology but I am hoping this site will grow as a community of solutions to the tech problems we run into every day. With that in mind, please feel free to send your tech questions, no matter how difficult to MarcsBlogs@GMail.com with a subject of TechHelp. Please keep in mind, we may not know the answer but we will do our best to find it for you.

This site is a community site so please feel free to leave comments on any article you'd like. If you'd like to contribute to Geekarama as an author, please email us at MarcsBlogs@GMail.com with a subject of Geekarama contributor.